Periodic Solutions and KAM Invariant Tori in the Nosé—Hoover System
Shengqing Hu, Jing Zhang
Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series
2025, 68 (1):
DOI: 10.12386/B20230071
In this paper, we consider a one-dimensional Nosé—Hoover system: $\dot{q}=p^{2m+1},$ $\dot{p}=-q^{2n+1}-\frac{\xi}{Q} p,$ $\dot{\xi}=p^{2m+2}-\beta^{-1},$ where $p, q, \xi\in \mathbb{R}$ are one-dimensional variables, $m,n\geq 0$ are integers and $Q, \beta$ are parameters. For $Q$ large enough, by using the averaging method we prove the existence of a linearly stable periodic solution. In addition, based on Moser's twist theorem we give a proof for the existence of invariant tori surrounding the periodic orbit for large $Q$.
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