<正> Consider an electric network N with n conductors F_1,F_2,…,F_n,of resistances.R_1,R_2:…,R_n respectively,and d+1 jumctions P_1,P_2,…,P_(d-1).Let a direction be assigned to each conductor in a quitearbitrary way.To each junction P_i we shall associate a row n—vector,that is a (?),n)-matrix(P_(i1), P(i2), "",P_(in)),where p_(ij)is equal to+1.-1.or 0 according as F_j is directed toward P_i,direated away from P_i.or not connected with P_i The d+1 vectors thus defined shall be denof-ed again by Ⅰ_i~′,P_2…,P_2…,P_(d+1).Since the relation(?)evidently