
1937年, 第2卷, 第1期 刊出日期:1937-01-15

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    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 1-5.
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    <正> On sait que Lie a attachéàtout point d'une surface(x)unequadrique osculatrice appelée quadrique de, Lie.Nous avons montréque cette quadrique est la première d'une suite de quadriques Φ,Φ,... attachée intrinsèquement àtont point x de la surface (x),d(?)quadiques consécutives de cette suite se touchant en quatre points,caractéristiques pour les deux quadriques eu question.
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 6-20.
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    <正> Après avoir constatéque le problème de Cauchy qui se posenaturellement pour les équations Iinéaires aux dérivées partielles àcaractéristiques réelles(dn moins pour le type “normal”,le seul quiintervienne en Physique mathématique),est au contraire impossibleen général pour les équations àcaractéristiques imaginaires,il étaitnaturel de rechercher,inversement,si le problème de Dirichletest correctement posè pour les équ ions du type hyperbolique,parexemple,pour léquation àdeux variables independantes (àlaquel nousnous bornerons)
  • 庄圻泰
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 21-39.
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    <正> ⅠNTRODUCTIONIn 1896,Borel established the well known theorem relative tothe distribution of moduli of values for an integral function f(z) offinlite positive order O“The exponent of convergence of the moduliof the zeros of f(z)-α is equal to Q for every constant α exceptpossiibly one value of α at most.”Afterwards he proved a moregeneral theorem in replacing a by an integral function π(z) of orderless than o. Concerning the distribution of argulnents o[" values fora meromorphic fumctionf(z) of finite positive order, Viliron discoveredin 1929 the existence of what he called “direction of Borel” and
  • 许宝(马条)
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 40-53.
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    <正> The question of two-fold repeated limits in connection with afunction of two real variables has boon treated by Priugsheim,London,Hobson,Townsend,and Osgood.According tothe definition given by the first three writers,the repeated limitlira Jim f(x,y) may exist without the existence of lira f(x,y).Weshall,however,use the simpler definition,so that for the existenceof a certain iterated limit all the iterated limits of lower order mustexist.Assuming the existence of the two limits lira lira f(x,y)and
  • 苏步青
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 54-60.
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    <正> 1.It is well known that the plane cuve in which the tangentsurface of an analytie eurve (?)in ordmary space is cut by a planethrough a tangent at an ordinary point O of C has an inllexion atO,provided that the plane is not t(?)e oseulating plane of C at O.Bompiani has (?)ched the projective dillere(?) goomary of aplane curve in the neghbourhood of am infloxion point on it by in-We have applied s(?) of Eompian(?)sthe geometry of curves and surfaces in ordinary space,by showingamong other thing t(?) when a plane π turus about a tangent of C
  • 苏步青
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 61-83.
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    <正> 1.In a recent paper with the same title we studied thesequences of Laplace of period four with a stratifiable couple ofdiagonal congruences and therewith arrived at certain configurations(T) of Finikoff which admit an infinity of transformation of Calapso.As we have shown before,these configurations are characterized bytwo properties,namely,(i)the two diagonals describe congruencesof a stratifiable couple and(ii)the developables of the congruences
  • 陈建功
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 84-97.
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    <正> 1.THEOREM 1.Let R(x),S(x) and T(x)be three rationalfuncitions such that R(x)/0,(A)(?)then no algcbraical function of order/2 can satisfy the Riccatidifferential equation
  • 苏步青
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 98-137.
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    <正> INTRODUGTION.1.In the proiective theory of a curve in ordinary space thereare introduced various systems of tetrahedrons associated to a pointof the curve.Most of them are,more or less,artificial and consequently 1.he geometrical significance of the projective invariantsrequires notions more complicated than the double ratio of fourelements of a primitive geometric forin.Bompiani has overcomethis difficulty by projecting the curve from the point of Sannia andreducing the problem to the theory of projective invariants of contact
  • 苏步青
    数学学报. 1937, 2(1): 139-139.
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    <正> In a recent paper the present author has established somerepresentations for a plane curve C in the neighbourhood of a singularpoint O characterized by the property that the tangent t(?) of C at O hasa contact of order m—1((?)2) with the curve.For convenience'sakewe have adopted non-homogeneous coordinates x,y of a point to represent the expansion of the curve.