Denote by pn(A1, …, An) the (n-1)-commutator of A1, …, An. Assume that M is a von Neumann algebra, n ≥ 2 is any positive integer and L:M → M is a mapping. It is shown that, if M has no central summands of type I1 and L satisfies L(pn(A1, …, An))=∑k=1n pn(A1, …, Ak-1, L(Ak), Ak+1, …, An) for all A1, A2, …, An ∈ M with A1A2=0, then L(A)=φ(A) + f(A) for all A ∈ M, where φ:M → M and f:M → Z (M) (the center of M) are two mappings such that the restriction to PiMPj of φ is an additive derivation and f(pn(A1, A2, …, An))=0 for all A1, A2, …, An ∈ PiMPj with A1A2=0 (1 ≤ i, j ≤ 2), P1 ∈ M is a core-free projection and P2=I -P1; if M is a factor and n ≥ 3, then L satisfies L(pn(A1, A2, …, An))=∑k=1n pn(A1, …, Ak-1, L(Ak), Ak+1, …, An) for all A1, A2, …, An ∈ M with A1A2A1=0 if and only if L(A)=φ(A) + h(A)I for all A ∈ M, where φ is an additive derivation on M and h is a functional of M such that h(pn(A1, A2, …, An))=0 for all A1, A2, …, An ∈ M with A1A2A1=0.