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    Jia Rui CHEN, Qun CHEN
    数学学报(英文版). 2023, 39(10): 1939-1950.
    In this paper, we construct an ancient solution by using a given shrinking breather and prove a no shrinking breather theorem for noncompact harmonic Ricci flow under the condition that ${\rm Sic}:={\rm Ric}-\alpha\nabla\phi\otimes\nabla\phi$ is bounded from below.
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    Niang Chen, Jian Quan Ge, Miao Miao Zhang
    数学学报(英文版). 2023, 39(9): 1727-1735.
    We prove that the index is bounded from below by a linear function of its first Betti number for any compact free boundary $f$-minimal hypersurface in certain positively curved weighted manifolds.
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    Ming XU, Ju TAN, Na XU
    数学学报(英文版). 2023, 39(8): 1547-1564.
    Using a navigation process with the datum $(F,V)$, in which $F$ is a Finsler metric and the smooth tangent vector field $V$ satisfies $F(-V(x))>1$ everywhere, a Lorentz Finsler metric $\tilde{F}$ can be induced. Isoparametric functions and isoparametric hypersurfaces with or without involving a smooth measure can be defined for $\tilde{F}$. When the vector field $V$ in the navigation datum is homothetic, we prove the local correspondences between isoparametric functions and isoparametric hypersurfaces before and after this navigation process. Using these correspondences, we provide some examples of isoparametric functions and isoparametric hypersurfaces on a Funk space of Lorentz Randers type.
  • Articles
    Pei Pei RAO, Fang Yang ZHENG
    数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(6): 1094-1104.
    A long-standing conjecture in complex geometry says that a compact Hermitian manifold with constant holomorphic sectional curvature must be Kähler when the constant is non-zero and must be Chern flat when the constant is zero. The conjecture is known in complex dimension 2 by the work of Balas-Gauduchon in 1985 (when the constant is zero or negative) and by Apostolov-Davidov-Muskarov in 1996 (when the constant is positive). For higher dimensions, the conjecture is still largely unknown. In this article, we restrict ourselves to pluriclosed manifolds, and confirm the conjecture for the special case of Strominger Kähler-like manifolds, namely, for Hermitian manifolds whose Strominger connection (also known as Bismut connection) obeys all the Kähler symmetries.
  • Ge XIONG, Jia Wei XIONG
    数学学报(英文版). 2022, 38(2): 406-418.
    The logarithmic capacitary Minkowski problem asks for necessary and sufficient conditions on a finite Borel measure on the unit sphere so that it is the logarithmic capacitary measure of a convex body. This article completely solves the case of discrete measures whose support sets are in general position.
  • Lu LI, Zhen Lei ZHANG
    数学学报(英文版). 2021, 37(8): 1205-1218.

    We present some improvements of the Li-Yau heat kernel estimate on a Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature bounded below. As a consequence we prove a gradient estimate to the heat kernel with an optimal leading term.

  • Pierrick BOUSSEAU
    数学学报(英文版). 2021, 37(7): 1005-1022.
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    We review the recent proof of the N. Takahashi’s conjecture on genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of (P2, E), where E is a smooth cubic curve in the complex projective plane P2. The main idea is the use of the algebraic notion of scattering diagram as a bridge between the world of Gromov-Witten invariants of (P2, E) and the world of moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on P2. Using this bridge, the N. Takahashi’s conjecture can be translated into a manageable question about moduli spaces of coherent sheaves on P2. This survey is based on a three hours lecture series given as part of the Beijing-Zurich moduli workshop in Beijing, 9-12 September 2019.