
15 October 1958, Volume 8 Issue 4

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  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 457-472.
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    source of the problemIn any control system with feedback devices time lag always exists.Takea simple example as shown in the following block diagram:(?)the differential equation of which is usually written as(?)However,strictly speaking,this diagram should be represented by the fol-lowing difference-differential equation(?)where τ>0 may be constant or function of time t,since even electromagneticwaves need time to propagate.In ordinary technical literatures(2)is replaced by(1)on the ground thatr is very small.This replacement requires mathematical justification,sinc,efor example,theequation(?)possesses stable trivial solution y≡0,whereas the trivial solution of the equation(?)isunstable,no matter how smali the positive number τ may be.This paper presents systematic results of the equivalence of the differentialequation and the difference-differential equation in the theory of stability.Ⅱ.The equivalence of linear equationsTheorem 1.Given a differential-difference equation(?)where the constants p and q satisfy the condition(?) there exists a number Δ=Δ(p,q)>0 such that,under the condition 0<δ<Δ,the trivial solution of (3) is asymptotically stable.In other words,from the fact that the trivial solution of the equation(?)is asymptotically stable we can deduce the result that the same statement holdsfor the equation(3),provided 0<δ<Δ.In this theorem Δ may be taken as π/8(|p|+|q|)in general case.Theproof is based on the results of Hayes.Theorem 2.Let the condition(4)in theorem 1 be replaced by the condition(?)p+q<0,(4)'then the trivial solution of the equation(3)is unstable for any δ>0.In other words,from the fact that the trivial solution of(5)is unstablewe can deduce the result that the same statement holds for the equation(3),no matter how the positive number δ may be taken.Actually we proved that there exists a real positive function s=s(δ),for δ≥0,such that exp(st)is a particular solution of equation(3).Theorem 3.Let the condition(4)in theorem 1 be replaced by the conditionp+q=0,(4)″there exists a number Δ=Δ(p)>0,such that,under the condition 0<δ<Δ,the trivial solution of the equation (3) is stable.In this theorem Δ may be taken as 1/|p| for |p|>0,and Δ cannot be +∞in general,since we have counter example:u(t)=at is a particular solutionfor the equation (3),in the casep+q=0,p>0,δ=1/p.Ⅲ.The equivalence of non-linear equationsBased on theorem 1 and a result of Bellman,we getTheorem 4.Given an equation(?)where the following conditions are fulfilled(i)p+q0,such that,under the condition O<δ<Δ,thetrivial solution of the equation(6)is asymptotically stable, In other words,from the fact that the trivial solution of the equation(?)is asymptotically stable (p+q≠0) we can deduce the result that the samestatement holds for the equation(6),provided0<δ<Δ.Theorem 5.Let the condition(4)in theorem 4 be replaced by the condition(4)′,then the trivial solution of the equation(6)is unstable for anyδ>0.In other words,from the fact that the trivial solution of the equation(7)is unstable (p+q≠0)we can deduce the result that the same statement holdsfor the equation(6),no matter how the positive number δmay be taken.Twocases are separated in the proof. For q≤0,we use the equation(?)for comparison,whereas for q>0,we take a suitable equation of theorem 2for comparison.Theorem 6.Given an equation(?)where p≠0,δ>0,we can always find suitable function F_2(u(t),u(t-δ))suchthat the trivial solution of(8)is either unstable for any δ>0,or stable for0<δ<Δ,as we wished.For unstable case,two subcases are separated in the proof. For example,for p>0,F_2=pu~2(t),and for p<0,F_2=-pu~2(t-δ).Ⅳ.Summary of the resultsThe instability of (6) and(7)is equivalent for any δ>0,(p+q≠0),the asymptotical stability of(6) and(7)is equivalent (p+q≠0) provided0<δ<Δ(=π/8(|p|+|q|),say).In the critical case (p+q=0) the linearequations are both stable provided 0<δ<Δ(=1/|p|,say),whereas the stablebehaviour may be changed by adding terms of higher orders for both cases.
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 473-482.
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    Die kurze(?)bersicht des Satzes 2 ist in der Science Record New Ser.Vol.I.Nor.5,1957 S.279—281 in Satz 2 ver(?)ffentlicht.Sei K ein n-dimensionaler endlicher simplizialer Komplex,a_(ij,k)(K) dieAnzahl der geordneten Paare yon i-dimensionalen und j-dimensionalen Simplexenmit gemeinsamer Seite von k-dimensionalem Simplex in K (a_(ij,_1)(K) bedeutendie Anzahl der geordneten Paare von i-dimensionalen und j-dimensionalen Sim-plexen ohne gemeinsamen Punkt in K).Wir finden in dieser vorliegenden Arbeit,dass jede kombinatorische Invariante vonder Form(?)mit reellen Zahlen a_(ij,k)(i,j=0,1,...,n;k=-1,0,1,...,Min(i,j)stets dutchdie Form(?)dargestellt wird,wobei a,β,γ Konstanten sind und(?)eineder yon Wu Wen-Tsǖn gefundenen einigen Invarianten ist.Fǖr diese Invariantegeben wir ferner einen reinen kombinatorischen Beweis(Satz 1).
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 483-489.
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    (?) (?)
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 490-495.
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    The main purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate the following:THEOREM.If a Riemannian space V_n(n≥4)contains 3 systems ofmutually orthogonal totally umbilical hypersurfaces of constant curvature,thenV_n is a space of constant curvature and all these hypersurfaces have the sameinvariant(?)where K_o and b are the Riemannian curvature and mean curvature of one ofthese hypersurfaces respectively,and these invariants are equal to the constantcurvature of V_n.
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 496-506.
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    Let d_k,(n)denote the number of ways of expressing n as a product of kfactors.It is known that(?)where P_k0(In x)is a polynomial in lnx of degree k—1,and(?)holds for some a<1.Let a_k denote the least upper bound of numbers a suchthat,the above relation holds.Voronoi and Hardy-Littlewood proved respec-tively(?)for k=2,3,….For k=3,the previous results was pushed forward toa_3≤43/87,a_3≤37/75by Walfisz and Atkinson.The aim of this note is to improve the previousresults toa_3≤14/29.
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 507-520.
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    An abstract of this paper in English has been published in Science Record,New Series vol.Ⅱ,No.4,1958.But that abstract has to be corrected as foll-ows:1)Throughout that abstract,the Symbol((?)!y) should be replaced by(?)y).2)In condition(R_2)should be added some more conditions,namely,(?)contains the following functions(?)and(?):(?)and(?)is closed under the operation from(?)
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 521-530.
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    (?) (?)
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1958, 8(4): 531-547.
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    We study the Dirichlet problem of the partial differential equation(?)in the domain(?)where Z=(z_(ja)is an m×n(m≤n)matrixObviously,the equation(1)is of elliptic type,and it is degenerated onthe boundary of(?).Therefore,its virtue on the boundary should be taken intoaccount.A function u(Z)satisfying this equation on the closure of(?)is calledharmonic function of class(?)(see §1.5).Given a continnous function u(Z)on the unitarygroup(?)(U(?)=I),thereis one and only one harmonic function of(?)given by the Poisson integral(?)with(?)It is interesting that any function of(?)satisfies also a system of partialdifferential equations(?)