
鏁板瀛︽姤 鈥衡�� 2006, Vol. 49 鈥衡�� Issue (1): 215-224.DOI: 10.12386/A2006sxxb0028

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�



  1. 娴欐睙鏁欒偛瀛﹂櫌鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌,娴欐睙澶у鏁板绯� 鏉窞 310012,鏉窞 310028
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:1900-01-01 淇洖鏃ユ湡:1900-01-01 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2006-01-15 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2006-01-15
  • 閫氳浣滆��: 鏉庢柟

The Category of Modules over a Triangular Matrix Ring of Order n and Its Homological Characterizations

Mei Hua SHI(1), Fang LI(2)   

  1. Mei Hua SHI Science School, Zhejiang Education Institute, Hangzhou 310012, P. R. China Fang LI Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, P. R. China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-01-15 Published:2006-01-15
  • Contact: Fang LI

鎽樿锛� 鏈枃缁欏嚭浜唍绾т笁瑙掔煩闃电幆袚n鐨勫畾涔夛紟璇佹槑浜唍绾т笁瑙掔煩闃典唬鏁靶搉涓婄殑鏈夐檺鐢熸垚妯¤寖鐣磎od 袚n涓庤寖鐣葱搉(?)绛変环,寰楀埌浜嗚濡傂搉鐨凧acobson鏍�,袚n(?)鐨勪笉鍙垎瑙f姇灏勫璞$殑褰㈠紡鍙娦搉鐨勬暣浣撶淮鏁扮瓑鎬ц川锛�

鍏抽敭璇�: 鑼冪暣绛変环, 涓嶅彲鍒嗚В鐨勬姇灏勫璞�, 涓夎鐭╅樀鐜�

Abstract: Firstly, we introduce the concept of triangular matrix ring of order n. Then, it is shown that the category mod 袚n of finitely generated modules over a triangular matrix algebra 袚n of order n is equivalent to the category 袚(?)n. Moreover, we give the Jacobson radical of 袚n, indecomposable projective objects in the category 袚n(?) and the global dimension of 袚n.
