
鏁板瀛︽姤 鈥衡�� 2017, Vol. 60 鈥衡�� Issue (3): 401-414.DOI: 10.12386/A2017sxxb0033

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥� 涓婁竴绡�    涓嬩竴绡�


鍒樺崕瀹�, 楂樻尝   

  1. 瑗垮寳澶у鏁板瀛﹂櫌 瑗垮畨 710127
  • 鏀剁鏃ユ湡:2016-03-18 淇洖鏃ユ湡:2016-06-25 鍑虹増鏃ユ湡:2017-05-15 鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡:2017-05-15
  • 浣滆�呯畝浠�:鍒樺崕瀹�,E-mail:hnliu@nwu.edu.cn;楂樻尝,E-mail:bogaomath@163.com
  • 鍩洪噾璧勫姪:


Large Family of Pseudorandom Sequence of k Symbols with Length pq

Hua Ning, LIU Bo GAO   

  1. School of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, P. R. China
  • Received:2016-03-18 Revised:2016-06-25 Online:2017-05-15 Published:2017-05-15


Mauduit 涓� Sárközy 鍦ㄤ竴绯诲垪璁烘枃涓爺绌朵簡k鍏冨簭鍒楃殑浼殢鏈烘��. 鏈枃閫氳繃瀵规ā pq 鍓╀綑绫荤幆 Zpq杩涜鍒嗗壊锛岃繘鑰岀粨鍚堢鏁e鏁扮殑鏂规硶锛屾瀯閫犱簡涓�澶ф棌闀垮害涓� pq 鐨勪吉闅忔満k鍏冨簭鍒楋紝骞惰瘉鏄庡叾鍏锋湁寰堝ソ鐨勪吉闅忔満鎬�.

鍏抽敭璇�: 浼殢鏈� k鍏冨簭鍒�, 绂绘暎瀵规暟, 鎸囨暟鍜�, 鐗瑰緛鍜�


In a series of papers Mauduit and Sárközy introduced and studied the measures of finite sequences of k symbols. In this paper we construct large family of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols with length pq using the residue class ring modulo pq and the methods of discrete logarithm, and study the pseudorandom properties.

Key words: pseudorandom sequence ofksymbol, discrete logarithm, exponential sum, character sum
